We've updated the 'Situation' dashboard widget to be more compact. This will help you fit more on-screen. The widget will auto-size the fields to fit as much in view as possible.
In Admin Area > Templates > Roles you can now uncheck 'List Unassigned Personnel in the 'Unassigned' team. This will hide these unassigned personnel in the Roles list.
Previously when you exported a PDF of either the Log or Audit, both files downloaded with the same file name, making it complicated for users to identify them on the desktop. Both now have different file names.
Publically shared links have had alignment improvements to make sure everything still looked nice when you've one field on a row that was much taller than the others.
You can now use 'minutesSince' in your Incident Management expressions like you've always been able to use hoursSince. See Help Docs.