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Equipment Management
September 12, 2023

Inbox Zero? 🏆 You've New Equipment In Your Inbox

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With this update, we're making it easier for teams to collaborate and share equipment seamlessly while keeping everyone informed. Here's what you need to know:

Background: Sometimes, teams within the same parent organization, or a warehouse distributing stock to teams, needs to move equipment between them in D4H. To facilitate this, D4H allows equipment transfers between teams within the same organization that share the same set of Categories and Kinds.

What's New:

1. Inbox Notifications: Now, when equipment is sent to your team from another team within the same parent organization, you'll receive email notifications. This feature keeps you informed about incoming equipment transfers, ensuring that no crucial equipment movements are missed. Alerts are sent to subscribers of the destination Location within the recipient team.

2. Inbox/Outbox Dashboard Widget: We've introduced a new widget on the equipment dashboard, displaying any items in your inbox or outbox that are pending acceptance from other teams. This panel provides a clear overview of equipment transfers in progress, making it easy for you to track the status of each transfer. You can quickly see what equipment is on its way to your team and what you've sent to others.

How it Works:

  • Inbox: Items that have been sent to your team from other teams within your parent organization will appear in your inbox. You can review these items and accept or decline them as needed. Once accepted, the equipment will become available for your team to use.

  • Outbox: Items that your team has sent to other teams within your parent organization will appear in your outbox as pending transfers. You can monitor the status of these transfers until the recipient team accepts them. This helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures smooth equipment sharing.

Stay Connected: If you have any feedback or questions, please post it in the feedback box below.

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