Click on the 'Help' icon on the toolbar within any of our products to open the new Help Center. The Help Center will open embedded within the web app, without you having to navigate away from the page you're on.
Based on the page you're currently viewing, we'll automatically suggest 5 instant answers to the section you're on. You can now read our documentation from within the web app. If the top 5 most common articles don't answer your question, you can keyword search to refine your question. If you're still not able to get an answer, you can 'Ask For Help' to contact us.
If you're still stuck on a question, press 'Ask For Help'. You'll be presented with different ways to get in touch with our team.
Our email contact form is available 24/7 and allows you to send a message. We'll reply to you promptly by email and you can continue on while you wait.
During certain hours, we're available for real-time chat. If available, you'll be given the option when asking for help. Selecting chat will connect you with one of our team for instant messaging. If nobody is available, we'll convert your chat into an email reply and send you a copy.
Read your history and add to your existing support requests from within the Help Center.
Of course, if you'd like to read all of our documentation in a full window, you can search & visit at any time.
Resources available from the Help menu: