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Personnel & Training
October 03, 2023

🐾 Qualify K9 & Handlers From Attendance

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Previously, when you qualified the attendees of an activity, it was only possible to award 'Member Qualifications'.

This meant that our K9 teams were unable to use this quick shortcut to bulk-qualify their 'Handler Qualifications' and 'K9 Qualifications'. They had to qualify them separately by going to the qualification and selecting the attendees one-by-one.

Now, when you press 'Qualify' on the top right corner of an attendance list, you can select 'Member Qualifications', 'K9 Qualifications', or 'Handler Qualifications'.

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If you select a Handler or K9 Qualification, it will auto-fill the matching attendees from the activity. All you have to do is press [Save Changes].

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What are Handler Qualifications? Handler Qualifications pair both the K9 & Member together for the award, allowing one Member to have different Qualification Levels with each K9 they handle.

How do I turn on the K9 Module? Within Team Manager, Personnel & Training > Team Settings > K9.

How do I create an Animal Qualification? See our Knowledge Base

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